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Join Laune
Mountaineering Club

New members are always welcome. You don't have to have any previous experience to join the club and go on our easier walks, however if you wish to go on the harder walks it is advisable to be fit and have some previous experience. Many people build experience by going on easier walks for a while first. Please read the information and guidelines page and check the calendar page for upcoming walks. Final details for upcoming walks are posted on Facebook (click button below). Everyone is allowed 2 test walks to see if they like it before joining. It is advisable to download and read the info and guidelines PDF below before coming on a walk

 Membership Forms

Adult, Young Adult &

Associate Membership Form

Child Membership


Info and guidelines

New Members

Post to: Laune Mountaineering Club, c/o Joan O'Sullivan,Beaufort Bridge, Beaufort, Killarney, Co. Kerry

Membership Renewal

 A form has to be filled in every year due to consent and GDPR. Send to Joan O'Sullivan,Beaufort Bridge, Beaufort, Killarney, Co. Kerry. If you pay by bank transfer ensure that you put your name on the transfer. Alternatively send a cheque with the form or give the form in a sealed envelope with cash to Joan queries to

Associate Members

If you are a full member of any Mountaineering Ireland affiliated club you can join the Laune for €20 for the year just pay by bank transfer and send Joan O'Sullivan your MI membership number by email alternatively give Joan cash in an envelope with your name and MI membership number clearly written on the envelope

Bank Transfer: to Laune Mountaineering Club: IE74AIBK93634030755056 BIK AIBKIE2D


  • Access to club walks and events

  • Registration with Mountaineering Ireland which provides

    • Insurance (more details)

    • Subscription to “Irish Mountain Log” magazine which is posted to you quarterly

    • Discounts in most outdoor shops (more details) O'Sullivans in Killarney is not listed but does give 10% discount

    • Access to Mountaineering Ireland training courses

    • A personalised membership card

    • Plus much more (more details)

 Membership Benefits

Membership Cost

  • Adult: €55 

  • Unemployed €40

  • Youth under 23: €20.50

  • Youth under 18: €10.50

  • *Associate: €20

  • Family Memberships, membership fee is the total of the price per adult (over 18) plus €10.50 per child (under 18). Please fill in a separate form for each person.

*Associate membership is available if you already have active insurance either directly from Mountaineering Ireland or via another walking club for the current year.

Membership runs from November 1st to October 31st of the following year. If you are joining for the first time you can join from September 1st and get 14 months membership for the same price.

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